Symposia List (click to reveal)
- A01 Open session on paleo, rock, bio- and environmental magnetism
- A02 Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics of tectonic and volcanic processes
- A03 Planetary magnetic fields and secular variations on all temporal and spatial scales
- A04 Modelling, ground and space-based data and innovations for the geomagnetic main field: IGRF-14 generation and the future
- A05 Current developments of ground based geomagnetic observatories and advances in automated instrumentation, data analytics and higher time-resolution measurements
- A06 The future of WDMAM and crustal magnetic anomaly mapping
- A07 Geomagnetic Observations, Indices and Products for Space Science, Space Weather and Space Climate Applications
- A08 Space Weather and Electrodynamics of the Ionosphere and Atmosphere in the Polar Regions
- A09 Analysis of historical magnetic storms for space weather hazards
- A10 Space weather impact on technology in space and on the ground
- A11 AC/DC Global Circuit for Atmospheric Remote Sensing
- A12 Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System
- A13 Middle and upper atmosphere: From solar variability influence to long-term changes
- A14 Advances in Mid-Latitude, Low-Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy
- A15 Energetic Particle Precipitation Impacts on the Ionosphere, Upper Atmosphere, and Climate System
- A16 Mesosphere, Lower Thermosphere, and D-Region: Dynamics and Variability
- A17 Atmospheric responses to total and annular solar eclipses and transient events
- A18 Div III Reporter Review (invitation only)
- A19 Magnetospheric processes/open session
- A20 Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling, new insights from data, numerical simulations and models
- A21 Advances and challenges of ULF waves in the Earth and planetary magnetospheres
- A22 Magnetospheric boundary layers in the dayside and beyond
- A23 Radiation Belt Dynamics, Effects of Wave Activity, and the Role of the Cold Plasma Background
- A24 Magnetotail Processes and Their Coupling with the Solar Wind and Ionosphere
- A25 Synthesis of Planetary Magnetosphere Models and Spacecraft Data
- A26 Auroral Dynamics
- A27 Advances and Upcoming Developments in Solar and Heliospheric Physics
- A28 Turbulent energy dissipation and particle dynamics in the solar wind and the solar corona
- A29 Advances in understanding solar transients and particle events in the corona and heliosphere
- A30 Comparative Magnetospheres and Associated Regions
- A31 Solar Eruptions: Their Origin, Source Region Evolution, and Forecast Implications
- A32 Solar Cycle 25 and Comparisons to Previous Cycles
- A33 Electromagnetic induction: Methodology, Data, Modelling, and Inversion
- A34 Electromagnetic methods for exploration: geothermal energy, groundwater, mineral resources, etc.
- A35 Lithospheric studies and deep mantle conductivity
A01 Open session on paleo, rock, bio- and environmental magnetism
Convener: Gillian Turner (New-Zealand)
Co-convener(s): Mário Moreira (Portugal), Javier Pavon-Carrasco (Spain), France Lagroix (France)
Mineral magnetism unlocks a broad range of applications in paleomagnetism, archeo-magnetism, biogeomagnetism, environmental magnetism, and planetary magnetism. Magnetic properties studies on natural and synthetic materials bring new insights on iron-bearing minerals and their response to physical, chemical and environmental changes.
This session will be a forum for the study of magnetism in natural materials in the broadest sense. We seek innovative contributions that develop new and rethink old analytical methods, whether they be experimental, theoretical, numerical, or technical (instrumentation), that investigate properties of magnetic minerals and/or the geomagnetic field recorded by remanence-bearing minerals. Contributions are sought concerning recent to ancient materials occurring in a wide variety of terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments, applied to the solution of outstanding problems in Earth and planetary sciences. We seek innovative contributions developing new and rethinking old methods, whether experimental, theoretical or numerical, and instrumentation, investigating properties of magnetic minerals occurring in a wide variety of terrestrial and extraterrestrial environments. Studies based on the analysis and application of paleomagnetic data to solve outstanding problems in Earth and planetary sciences are also welcome.
A02 Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabrics of tectonic and volcanic processes
Convener: Ricardo Trindade (Brazil)
Co-convener(s): Liao Chang (China), Bram Vaes (Italy), Pedro Silva (Portugal)
Paleomagnetism and magnetic fabric studies are foundational tools that offer quantitative insights into tectonic and volcanic processes. Classically, the sea-floor spreading patterns, global continental reconstructions, and localized rotational movements are supported by paleomagnetic data. Magnetic fabric analysis, particularly anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS), serves as a rapid and accurate method for the investigation of magma flow patterns and deformation of rocks. In recent years, significant methodological advancements, such as alternative forms of magnetic anisotropy measurements (high- and low-field measurements, field-dependent susceptibility), magnetic microscopy, and micromagnetic modeling, have enhanced our ability to disentangle complex magnetic signals from different mineral phases and improved our understanding of the stability of magnetic remanence in various carriers. In this session, we welcome contributions showcasing the latest research in paleomagnetism, magnetic anisotropy, and their applications in global, regional, and local tectonic and volcanic reconstructions. We also encourage presentations on recent methodological advances within these fields.
A03 Planetary magnetic fields and secular variations on all temporal and spatial scales
Convener: Sanja Panovska (Germany)
Co-convener(s): Shivangi Sharan (UK), Yufeng Lin (China), Éric Font (Portugal)
Solicited Speakers: Felix Gerick (CNES, Toulouse, France and Royal Observatory of Belgium), Shuhui Cai (Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, China), Wellington P. de Oliveira (Institute of Geosciences, State University of Campinas, Brazil)
Magnetic fields are fundamental features of Earth and numerous other planetary bodies. Studying them offers valuable insights into the internal and external dynamics as well as the evolution of planets. Magnetic fields exhibit variations across a wide range of temporal and spatial scales, from the present to the distant past, and from regional to global scales, respectively. Understanding the secular variation and the processes driving these changes is crucial for predicting the future evolution of planetary magnetic systems. Their study employs various methods, including observations, data-based models, numerical simulations, and theoretical studies. Observations encompass magnetic data measured on the ground or by satellites, as well as paleomagnetic data obtained from geological archives such as volcanic rocks, archeological artefacts, sediments, and speleothems. On the other hand, models and simulations make measured guesses of the fields and the processes happening both inside and outside the planetary bodies. This session covers all types of observations, simulations, and methods for studying planetary magnetic fields and their evolution, with a particular focus on their multi-scale nature.
A04 Modelling, ground and space-based data and innovations for the geomagnetic main field: IGRF-14 generation and the future
Convener: Ciaran Beggan (UK)
Co-convener(s): Clemens Kloss (Denmark) , Naomi Shakespeare-Rees (UK), Frederik Dahl Madsen (UK)
Magnetic fields are a fundamental geophysical characteristic of the Earth and other planetary bodies, which provide information on a range of processes from core to space. Studies of the geomagnetic field and its sources are greatly helped by data collected from a fleet of satellite systems around the Earth. Along with the ground observatory network, the continued operation of the Swarm constellation has brought strong improvements in the quality of the magnetic field measurements. In addition, the launch of the Macau Scientific Satellite (MSS-1) in May 2023, the continuation of the CSES mission, and the collection and calibration of data from platform magnetometers on other scientific missions have brought a wealth of available measurements. Together these represent new data streams to investigate the core, as well as mantle, crust, tidal, ionospheric, and magnetospheric sources of the magnetic field. This symposium wishes to combine ideas in modelling, observations, and theory as applied to Earth’s magnetic field. We also solicit contributions relating to the most recent generation of the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF-14), including candidate submissions and novel methodologies. We seek ideas for future development of the IGRF series of models for both science and general users.
A05 Current developments of ground based geomagnetic observatories and advances in automated instrumentation, data analytics and higher time-resolution measurements
Convener: Sarah Reay (UK)
Co-convener(s): Pierdavide Coïsson (France), Amoré Nel (South Africa), Seiki Asari (Japan)
Ground-based magnetic observatories enable the acquisition of high-quality and long-term datasets for scientific and societal applications. Advances in space weather research and applications have increased demand for timely, accurate and high time-resolution data, such as one-second fluxgate data or even higher frequency data from induction coil magnetometers.
This session invites contributions on all aspects of magnetic observatory operation, measurement, data analysis, and distribution. This includes, but is not limited to, new developments at existing observatories, the establishment of new magnetic observatories around the world, and other ground-based observations such as variometers networks or surveys. Contributions describing advances in instrumentation, higher-time resolution measurements, automation, or mitigation techniques to reduce instrumental or environmental noise, are highly relevant. Other advances in data processing and scientific data analytics, including machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), are encouraged. Relevant related research demonstrating an application of ground-based observatory data to advances in science or societal impacts are also welcome.
A06 The future of WDMAM and crustal magnetic anomaly mapping
Convener: Jerome Dyment (France)
Co-convener(s): Will Brown (UK)
The crustal or lithospheric magnetic field, produced by the magnetisation of crustal geology, is spatially very complex and presents a challenge to map and model accurately. Version 2.1 of the World Digital Magnetic Anomaly Map, released at IUGG 2023, presents the latest globally uniform compilation of ground, air, and marine survey data, gridded in 5km cells. Detailed knowledge of the crustal magnetic field feeds into many academic studies, such as on the magnetisation, age, thickness and evolution of the crust, as well as applications related to resource exploration and navigation. This session welcomes submissions on data sets, processing and field modelling techniques, both to advance crustal magnetic anomaly mapping and specific to future developments of the WDMAM.
A07 Geomagnetic Observations, Indices and Products for Space Science, Space Weather and Space Climate Applications
Convener: Audrey Schillings (Sweden)
Co-convener(s): Gemma Richardson (UK), Ankush Bhaskar (India), Denny Oliveira (USA), Fernando Pinheiro (Portugal)
What is commonly known as Space Weather is the weather caused by solar activity, including the changing conditions in the Earth-Sun environment. During the current solar maximum and for about two years now, we have observed the impacts of space weather events on our technology and daily life. Recently, the number of space weather and climate centers established worldwide to mitigate and forecast these events has significantly grown. Consequently, the demand for space weather and space climate observations, indices, and products has increased, with magnetic field measurements being a key component. These measurements, whether taken in space or on Earth, provide essential data for forecast analysis, allowing us to develop predictions and monitor geomagnetic conditions in near real-time. This session welcomes all aspects of science, challenges, updates, novelties or breakthrough technologies for geomagnetic observations, indices and products that applied specifically to space weather and space climate.
A08 Space Weather and Electrodynamics of the Ionosphere and Atmosphere in the Polar Regions
Convener: Irina Mironova (Russia)
Co-convener(s): Tamás Bozóki (Hungary), Lucilla Alfonsi (Italy), Eugene Rozanov (Switzerland),
The symposium solicits contributions to interdisciplinary studies that emphasize the connection between the ionosphere-atmosphere system and the magnetosphere, as well as the coupling between atmospheric layers.
The session topics cover processes connected with space weather effects on the ionospheric electrodynamics, ionospheric potential, electrical currents and conductivity; results of energetic particles and solar flares forcing the Earth’s atmosphere, from termosphere to stratosphere, and ionosphere, from F- to D-layers, taking into account formation of Es and D-layers variability under space weather perturbation.
In particular, we welcome reports on the recent geomagnetic storms of last year and especially ionosphere-atmosphere effects after storms of Spring 2024.
This symposium is focused on both satellite and ground-based observations, as well as modelling studies of electrodynamics of the ionosphere-atmosphere system and its coupling to the space environment.
The symposium invites contributions from members of the SCOSTEP and AGATA programs as well as the HEPPA-SOLARIS community.
A09 Analysis of historical magnetic storms for space weather hazards
Convener: Laure Lefevre (Belgium)
Co-convener(s): Ewelina Lawrence (UK)
Enhanced geomagnetic activity can have devastating impacts on high-voltage power networks, railways, oil and gas pipelines via geomagnetically induced currents flowing in grounded systems. Extreme space weather events may also disrupt satellite-based navigation by distorting or delaying signal transmission through the ionosphere. Studying historical magnetic storms can help us understand how different features of a geomagnetic storm, such as its solar origins, local timing of commencement, overall duration, ferocity and latitudinal extent can result in varied level of impact on ground- and satellite-based infrastructure. Lessons learned from past events can help further develop and improve efficient forecasting and nowcasting capabilities to reduce potential socio-economic impacts of severe space weather in the future.
The aim of this session is to explore how space weather monitoring changed over the years and investigate possible ways of improving current forecasting methods based on a variety of data from previous geomagnetic storms. We encourage submissions focusing on the analysis of ground and satellite response to past extreme geomagnetic storms, including various available observations from a range of latitudes and longitudes, comparisons between historical events, as well as what-if scenarios and modelling of past storms in current infrastructure.
A10 Space weather impact on technology in space and on the ground
Convener: Gemma Richardson (UK)
Co-convener(s): Anna Kelbert (USA), Antti Pulkkinen (USA), Rute Santos (Portugal)
Space weather can disrupt satellites, communication systems, and power grids, causing failures and outages. It also poses risks to aviation safety and can accelerate pipeline corrosion. As our reliance on technology grows, understanding the effects of space weather on technological infrastructure is becoming more critical than ever. This session aims to explore the various ways space weather phenomena, such as solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and cosmic rays, impact technology both in space and on the ground.
We encourage submissions that focus on advances in space weather modelling, effective mitigation strategies, and improvements in forecasting systems to enhance our ability to predict and manage space weather impacts. Case studies of past space weather events and their impact on satellite operations, ground-based infrastructure and aviation will also be highly relevant. This session aims to bring together scientists, engineers, and policy makers to share research, encourage discussion, and foster collaboration to protect our technology-dependent world from space weather disruptions.
A11 AC/DC Global Circuit for Atmospheric Remote Sensing
Convener: Tamás Bozóki (Hungary)
Co-convener(s): Jose Tacza (Poland), Colin Price (Israel), Martin Füllekrug (UK)
This session explores the remote sensing of the atmosphere from the boundary layer up to the lower ionosphere with AC global circuit measurements, such as extremely low frequency radio waves, and DC global circuit measurements, such as the atmospheric electric field, air-earth current and air conductivity. These observations, corresponding theories and simulations enable studies of the impact of thunderstorms and lightning on the Earth’s atmospheric layers. The session solicits contributions which advance knowledge in the areas of the global electric circuit, including thunderstorm quasi-static electric fields, Schumann Resonances, lightning discharges and their electromagnetic radiation including continuing current, transient luminous events, terrestrial gamma ray flashes and narrow bipolar events. Interdisciplinary studies which emphasize the connection between atmospheric layers and climate change on all time scales are particularly welcome.
A12 Coupling Processes in the Atmosphere-Ionosphere System
Convener: Loren Chang (Taiwan)
Co-convener(s): Christina Arras (Germany), Petra Koucka Knizova (Czech Republic)
The objective of this symposium is to bring new insights into the understanding of the coupling processes in the atmosphere-ionosphere system. The symposium will address fundamental physical, chemical, and electrodynamical processes covering whole atmosphere system. The coupled effects can be expressed in terms of the modulation of waves from the lower to the upper atmosphere as well as from low- to high latitudes, electrodynamic and compositional changes, plasma drifts, electric fields and plasma irregularities at different latitudinal regions of the globe due to the varying energy inputs. The manner in which the couplings take place due to varying energy inputs from the Sun and from the lower atmosphere is a question that is not completely understood. This symposium solicits papers dealing with experiments, observations, modelling and data analyses that describe the effects of atmospheric coupling processes within the whole atmosphere-ionosphere system. The symposium is proposed by IAGA WG II-C Meteorological effects on the ionosphere in cooperation with the Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) along with its PRESTO science program and the Interdivisional Commission on Developing Countries (ICDC).
A13 Middle and upper atmosphere: From solar variability influence to long-term changes
Convener: Liying Qian (USA)
Co-convener(s): Ana Elias (Argentina), Christoph Jacobi (Germany), Nick Pedatella (USA), Luc Damé (France)
In the middle and upper atmosphere, solar electromagnetic and particle variability is a dominant forcing mechanism for atmospheric variability at time scales from hours to decades. In addition, long-term changes of Greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the Earth’s atmosphere have caused warming in the troposphere, and cooling above it. Changes in Earth’s magnetic field and solar activity variations are also drivers of long-term changes in the middle and upper atmosphere. Note that in atmospheric science, long-term changes (or trends) indicate changes on a time scale longer than one solar cycle (∼11 years). In this session we aim to stimulate discussion on the solar variability that drives Earth-system change on time scales from hours to centuries, and on long-term trends in the atmosphere-ionosphere system, in the stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, and ionosphere. We welcome results using ground based as well as satellite observations, model simulations, and theoretical analyses. We also invite studies on long term data quality and methods of determination of trends and solar effects on the atmosphere, and discussions on new missions or observations to address these issues.
A14 Advances in Mid-Latitude, Low-Latitude and Equatorial Aeronomy
Convener: Venkatesh Kavutarapu (India)
Co-convener(s): Paulo Roberto Fagundes (Brazil), Alessio Pignalberi (Italy), Clezio Marcos De Nardin (Brazil), Anna Morozova (Portugal)
Papers are invited for a symposium on the recent developments in the field of equatorial, low-latitude and mid-latitude aeronomy from observational (ground-based and space-borne), theoretical and simulation studies. The Equatorial Electrojet, Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA), Equatorial Spread-F (ESF)/plasma bubbles, multiple F-layer stratifications, Solar quiet current system, ionospheric disturbances induced by geomagnetic storms (including its local magnetic effects), SSWs, present a strong daily, day-to-day, and seasonal variability, mainly caused by the ionospheric electrodynamics, thermospheric winds and wave actions (gravity waves, tides, planetary waves, TIDs and MSTIDs). Recent multi-instrument and multi-site observations, satellite borne experiments, as well as theoretical and simulation investigations have advanced our understanding of these phenomena, during both quiet and disturbed space weather conditions including geomagnetic storms, the recent storm of 10 May 2024, sub-storms, solar flares, solar eclipses, sudden stratospheric warmings and different meteorological events. The objective of this symposium is to bring together the experimentalists and theoreticians to survey the latest results, examine new ideas and concepts, and to pave the way for future directions in equatorial and low-latitude research. The session will include both solicited and contributed (oral and poster) papers.
A15 Energetic Particle Precipitation Impacts on the Ionosphere, Upper Atmosphere, and Climate System
Convener: Mark Clilverd (UK)
Co-convener(s): Craig Rodger (New Zealand), Pekka Verronen (Finland)
This symposium is targeted at both satellite and ground-based experimental observations, as well as theoretical investigations, into the precipitation of energetic particles into the D-region ionosphere and below – along with the impact of the energetic precipitation on the upper atmosphere and the coupling of these impacts on the climate system. Submissions describing other examples of energetic particle precipitation affecting the mesosphere and stratosphere, for example solar proton events or hard-spectrum substorm precipitation, are also relevant for this symposium. Of high interest would be presentations of recent small-satellite missions (e.g. electron flux measurements), radiation belt missions (e.g., loss processes), advanced mathematical methods of data analysis (e.g. machine/deep learning), and utilisation of novel ionospheric measurements (e.g. EISCAT_3D radars). Results from the SPARC’s SOLARIS-HEPPA community as well SCOSTEP’s PRESTO programme are solicited.
A16 Mesosphere, Lower Thermosphere, and D-Region: Dynamics and Variability
Convener: Liliana Macotela (Norway)
Co-convener(s): Carine Briand (France), Corwin Wright (UK), Jaroslav Chum (Czech Republic)
The ionospheric D-region is one of the most poorly understood regions of the Earth’s environment, and a key region for the coupling of space weather processes into the Earth’s atmosphere. The region is subject to significant variability associated with processes including, amongst others, external solar driving, energetic particle precipitation, terrestrial storm activity and wave forcing from lower altitudes. Particularly significant examples of such external drivers include solar flares, which typically produce the largest perturbations in ionospheric electron density, electromagnetic waves generated by lightning which can directly heat the lower ionosphere or trigger electron precipitation via wave-particle interactions in the radiation belts, and neutral atmosphere interactions with D-region plasma. These interactions are driven by a wide range of periodic and transient processes, which act across broad temporal and spatial scales, including atmospheric disturbances caused e.g., by volcanic eruptions and earthquakes and through waves and wavelike perturbations, such as planetary waves, tides, and gravity waves. To advance our knowledge of the mesosphere, lower thermosphere, and D-Region, the use of a multi-disciplinary and multi-instrument approach with modelling efforts, is vital. Accordingly, in this session we invite contributions that help to understand the dynamics and variability of the D-region under different kinds of forcing and to understand atmosphere-lower ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. We invite presentations on and discussion of existing measurements and planned campaigns that have the potential to strengthen our understanding of this complex and significant region and the coupling processes that control it.
A17 Atmospheric responses to total and annular solar eclipses and transient events
Convener: Igo Paulino (Brazil)
Co-convener(s): Geeta Vichare (India)
Recently, there has been a growing interest in investigating the atmospheric responses to the passage of solar eclipses. In this context, several experiments were carried out worldwide to measure atmospheric parameters before, during and after the occurrence of the eclipses. Additionally, numerical simulations have been implemented in order to advance in understanding how the cooling associated with the supersonic motion of the Moon’s shadow can affect the middle, upper atmosphere and ionosphere. This session welcomes the experimental and theoretical papers on this topic. Also, we encourage the papers about transient events in the atmosphere such as responses of the atmosphere-ionosphere to volcanic eruption, hurricanes, tsunamis, etc. In this session, we expect to have substantial exchange of experiences on how to observe and investigate the atmosphere under special conditions like the presence of solar eclipse or a transient event.
A18 Div III Reporter Review (invitation only)
Convener: Jay Johnson (USA)
Co-convener(s): Jayashree Bulusu (India)
Contributions to this session are by invitation only. This session presents reviews of the scientific progress in the Div III in the last few years.
A19 Magnetospheric processes/open session
Convener: Jay Johnson (USA)
Co-convener(s): Jayashree Bulusu (India)
Contributions to this session highlight the latest scientific results relevant to magnetospheric physics, especially abstracts having a broad interest in the magnetospheric community, bridging multiple sessions (e.g. system science, reconnection, turbulence, …), or addressing topics not covered in other Div III sessions.
A20 Magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere coupling, new insights from data, numerical simulations and models
Convener: Marius Echim (Romania)
Co-convener(s): Toshi Nishimura (USA), Yusuke Ebihara (Japan)
The strength of couplings in the M-I-T system changes significantly during disturbed times such as storms and substorms, with the energy and momentum being transferred and deposited across a broad range of spatio-temporal scales, linking vast regions of the system. The multiscale variability of the M-I-T system is challenging for observational, modelling and numerical methodologies. This session solicits presentations on coupling processes in the M-I-T system, from global to regional and local processes. Relevant topics include (but are not limited to) (1) multiscale transfer of energy, during quiet and disturbed times (particle precipitation, sheared flows, aurora, parallel electric fields, field-aligned currents) (2) density structures and temperature gradients (polar cap patch, cusp, plume, trough, irregularities); (3) convection (fast flows, SAPS, penetration electric field); (4) ion-neutral interaction (thermospheric density and wind) and (5) coupling and feedback into the magnetosphere (including turbulence, complexity, waves and instabilities). Discussions by all means of observations, modeling, data science and numerical simulations are encouraged.
A21 Advances and challenges of ULF waves in the Earth and planetary magnetospheres
Convener: Yuki Obana (Japan)
Co-convener(s): Kazuhiro Yamamoto (Japan), Peter Chi (USA), Alexander Drozdov (USA), Eun-Hwa Kim (USA)
ULF (Ultra-Low Frequency) waves are widely observed in the Earth’s and planetary magnetospheres and are a fundamental element of magnetospheric physics. These waves are generated by interactions between the solar wind and the magnetosphere, as well as by various instabilities within the magnetosphere. Through the transport of energy and the acceleration and deceleration of particles, they influence the entire magnetospheric system, including magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling, radiation belt and ring current dynamics, and the modulation of VLF waves, electron precipitation, and aurora.
Quantitative understanding of these wave characteristics is crucial for advancing magnetospheric physics. However, it remains a significant challenge due to the complexity of their excitation, propagation, and damping in a highly dynamic and inhomogeneous magnetospheric environment. Despite this, advances in observational infrastructure and computational capabilities are enabling more precise insights into ULF wave phenomena. Additionally, data from various planetary exploration projects have led to a growing number of ULF wave observations on planets other than Earth.
This session aims to explore the latest theoretical developments, observational results, and numerical simulations related to ULF waves in the Earth’s magnetosphere and those of other planets. By bringing together the collective achievements of ULF wave research, this session seeks to identify unresolved challenges and set the direction for future research. We welcome the participation of observers, model developers, and theorists to foster discussions that will deepen our understanding of ULF waves.
A22 Magnetospheric boundary layers in the dayside and beyond
Convener: Xuanye Ma (USA)
Co-convener(s): Andrew Dimmock (Finland), Hui Zhang (China), Ya-Hui Yang (Taiwan)
Planetary magnetospheres have long been known to be spatially bounded by the solar wind. During the interaction between the solar wind and the Geospace system, solar energy in various forms can propagate into the magnetosphere and ionosphere. Meanwhile, charged particle energy can be transformed into electromagnetic energy, and vice versa. Additional examples of boundaries in typical magnetospheres include but are not limited to the outer edge of the plasma sheet, the bow shock, and the plasmapause. These boundaries of finite thickness not only spatially separate different regions but also have a profound impact on their neighboring regions, which are rich environments for study since they contain an array of multi-scale processes. Examples include magnetic reconnection, waves, instabilities, and non-linear structures, which can be coupled across electron-ion-fluid scales. Recent spacecraft missions and ground-based observatories have made it possible to make observations from multiple vantage points, at varying spatial scales, and at high temporal resolution. This has enabled important new insights into the fundamental physical processes associated with boundary layers under different solar wind conditions and different types of magnetospheres. In this session, we focus on recent advances in the understanding of magnetospheric boundary layers, such as the processes by which solar wind mass, momentum, and energy enter the magnetosphere. Regions of interest include the foreshock, bow shock, magnetosheath, magnetopause, cusps, the dayside magnetosphere, and the dayside ionosphere. We encourage contributions from in-situ spacecraft observations, ground-based observations, first principles and empirical modeling, machine learning, and theory that address the physics of magnetospheric boundary layers and their influence on magnetospheric dynamics.
A23 Radiation Belt Dynamics, Effects of Wave Activity, and the Role of the Cold Plasma Background
Convener: David Hartley (USA)
Co-convener(s): Allison Jaynes (USA), János Lichtenberger (Hungary), František Němec (Czech Republic), Dedong Wang (Germany)
The inner magnetosphere is a highly complex and variable system, encompassing the coupled plasmasphere, ring current, and radiation belts. In this nearly collisionless environment, wave-particle interactions represent a unique mechanism of energy transfer, ultimately affecting the distribution functions of trapped energetic charged particles. Understanding these interactions, mediated by the cold plasma density, along with quantifying the resulting particle acceleration, transport, and loss, is thus crucial for understanding the radiation belt dynamics. The aim of this session is to discuss the dynamics of energetic particle populations in the radiation belts and ring current, wave-particle interactions, generation mechanisms and properties of involved electromagnetic emissions (EMIC, chorus, hiss, fast magnetosonic waves, etc.) in various frequency ranges (ULF, ELF, VLF), as well as the global variability and coupling. Theoretical and model contributions, as well as observational studies using data from older and recent satellite missions (Cluster, MMS, THEMIS, Van Allen Probes, Arase, etc.) and ground-based instruments, are encouraged.
A24 Magnetotail Processes and Their Coupling with the Solar Wind and Ionosphere
Convener: Chih-Ping Wang (USA)
Co-convener(s): Yukinaga Miyashita (Korea), Victor Sergeev (Russia), Shasha Zou (USA), Binzheng Zhang (Hongkong)
The magnetotail of a strongly magnetized planet is a very dynamic region with processes strongly coupled with the solar wind and the ionosphere. These processes involve transfer of energy and plasma occurring over a diverse range of spatial and temporal scales. Topics associated with magnetotail processes include but are not limited to: tail current sheet stability and reconnection, mesoscale bursty bulk flows and dipolarization fronts, substorms, boundary layers, waves, particle transport and energization, precipitation, aurora, ionospheric outflows, and connection with the ring current and radiation belts processes during geomagnetic storms. This session provides a forum to present the latest results from observations (in the magnetosphere or the ionosphere) and simulations (local or global) on the magnetotail processes at Earth and other planets.
A25 Synthesis of Planetary Magnetosphere Models and Spacecraft Data
Convener: Peter Delamere (USA)
Co-convener(s): Licia Ray (UK), Jamey Szalay (USA), Yoshifumi Saito (Japan)
Comparative studies of planetary magnetospheres provide an opportunity to study fundamental physics over a broad parameter space. Earth’s and Mercury’s familiar Dungey-cycle-driven magnetospheres can be contrasted with Jupiter’s internally, Vaslyiunas-cycle-driven magnetosphere. These limiting cases can also be compared with unmagnetized solar wind interactions at Venus, Mars, Pluto, the Moon, and comets. However, one of the grand challenges in comparative studies is the relative paucity of data at other planets when compared with Earth. Numerical simulations and other models are critical to the interpretation of single point spacecraft measurements. This comparative session encourages contributions that emphasize model/data comparisons in planetary magnetospheres with the goal of understanding the conditions in which fundamental processes operate across the heliosphere.
A26 Auroral Dynamics
Convener: Eric Donovan (Canada)
Co-convener(s): Chris Chaston (USA), Noora Partamies (Norway), Shun Imajo (Japan)
While the study of aurora is perhaps one of the earliest topics of investigation in space plasma physics there are basic unresolved issues concerning its formation and dynamics. From the broader question of how energy is transported and converted to power particle acceleration to the micro-physics of how parallel electric fields are generated and sustained, elemental components required for scientific closure remain outstanding. In recent years observations in various extra-terrestrial contexts have demonstrated the ‘universality’ of the auroral particle acceleration mechanism and ‘rammed home’ the compelling need to advance understanding of this basic space plasma process. This session solicits contributions relevant to the characterization and understanding of auroral dynamics in all its forms. It is open to presentations comprising observations, numerical simulations and theory pertaining to the dynamics of aurorae wherever they occur.
A27 Advances and Upcoming Developments in Solar and Heliospheric Physics
Convener: Mari Paz Miralles (USA)
Co-convener(s): Spiros Patsourakos (Greece), Xochitl Blanco-Cano (Mexico), John Richardson (USA), Cynthia López-Portela (USA), Laura Rodríguez-García (Spain)
Continuous observations have advanced our knowledge of the physical and dynamical properties of the Sun, the heliosphere, and the interstellar medium. These observations, along with theory and models, continue to pose challenges to our understanding of the relevant physical processes. This session invites contributions covering new results from space- and ground-based observations, theory, and modeling of different aspects of the Sun and the heliosphere, including the solar interior, magnetic field, atmosphere, solar wind, and interstellar medium. This session will stimulate exchange and promote discussion of upcoming developments from the latest research and instrumentation in the field.
A28 Turbulent energy dissipation and particle dynamics in the solar wind and the solar corona
Convener: Luca Franci (UK)
Co-convener(s): Emanuele Papini (Italy), Pauline A. Simon (UK), Domenico Trotta (Spain), Raffaella D’Amicis (Italy)
Solicited Speakers: Daniel Verscharen (Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, UK), Nikos Sioulas (Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, USA), Federica Marcucci (Institute of Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS), National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), Italy), Tamar Ervin (Space Sciences Laboratory, UC Berkeley, USA)
Turbulence is a ubiquitous and fundamental ingredient in the dynamics of space and astrophysical plasmas. It induces a transfer of energy from macroscopic fluid scales down to sub-electron scales, thus contributing to energy dissipation and to particle heating and acceleration, all processes of great interest for the astrophysical community. Our understanding of the different phenomena at play in turbulent plasmas keeps improving at a fast pace, thanks to new ground-breaking observations by spacecraft such as Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe in the solar wind and, more recently, even in the solar corona, combined with theoretical models and advanced numerical simulations. This session aims at reflecting all aspects of the current research on plasma turbulence and its effects in the solar wind and in the solar corona. It will address different properties of turbulence (e.g., spectral properties, cross-scale energy transfer, intermittency), its development and evolution, its interaction with other processes (e.g., magnetic reconnection, instabilities, wave-particle interactions) and with the solar wind expansion, and its key role for energy dissipation and the particle dynamics. We welcome contributions from theory, simulations, and observations focusing on this plurality of aspects. This time, special consideration will be given to studies in preparation for future observations by upcoming space missions (e.g., Interstellar and Acceleration Mapping and HelioSwarm) and candidate missions (e.g., Plasma Observatory).
A29 Advances in understanding solar transients and particle events in the corona and heliosphere
Convener: Erika Palmerio (USA)
Co-convener(s): Alexis Rouillard (France), Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber (Germany), Emma Davies (Austria)
The heliosphere is far from being a static environment, due to the dynamic solar activity that constantly shapes and alters its structure. Amongst the transient events that propagate outwards from the Sun are coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and slow–fast stream interaction regions (SIRs), which can also be regarded as major drivers of space weather effects. Additionally, solar eruptions and the shocks driven by them are capable of accelerating solar energetic particles (SEPs), which can be damaging to electronics in space and astronauts in orbit once having reached high-enough energies. Despite recent progress in understanding solar transients and particle events in the corona and heliosphere, many questions remain, e.g. regarding the variability of CME structure over a range of spatial scales, the conditions dictating the evolution of SIRs with distance from the Sun, and the transport of particles over larger-than-expected heliolongitudes. This session solicits contributions that focus on advancing our understanding of CMEs, SIRs, and SEPs in the solar corona and heliosphere over a wide range of aspects and approaches. Presentations that we welcome include studies that employ remote-sensing and/or in-situ observations, modeling efforts centered on the propagation of transients and/or the transport of particles, and mission concepts that have the potential to significantly advance fundamental research on the subject. Particular emphasis will be given to contributions that employ novel theories, measurements, and/or techniques.
A30 Comparative Magnetospheres and Associated Regions
Convener: Xochitl Blanco-Cano (Mexico)
Co-convener(s): Nicholas Achilleos (UK), Cesar Bertucci (Argentina), Heli Hietala (UK), Tomas Karlsson (Sweden), Guan Le (USA), Beatriz Sanchez-Cano (UK)
The interaction of the solar wind with planetary bodies generates different types of magnetospheres in the interplanetary medium. In the case of planets with a global magnetic field, there is a magnetosphere preceded by a bow shock, foreshock and magnetosheath. In the case of Venus and Mars, an induced magnetosphere forms, and the solar wind interacts with the planetary plasma leading to ion pickup which in turn can contribute to additional instabilities in the magnetosheath and foreshock. The comparative study of various magnetospheres is interesting in itself and can give insight of similar phenomena occurring on regions with different scales and where structures and kinetic effects will be tailored by the characteristics of each system, i.e., size, Mach number, IMF geometry, ion pickup. In recent years it has become clear that the foreshock and magnetosheath waves and transients can have an impact on Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere. More studies are needed to understand whether and how this occurs in other planets. This session welcomes observational research, theoretical works, computer simulations, numerical modeling, and machine learning applications. Of particular interest are works that study solar wind coupling with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
A31 Solar Eruptions: Their Origin, Source Region Evolution, and Forecast Implications
Convener: Alexander Nindos (Greece)
Co-convener(s): Cristina H. Mandrini (Argentina), Stephanie Yardley (UK)
The physical processes in solar eruptions — filament/prominence eruptions, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), and flares — continue to be debated, despite expanding observational capabilities from space (e.g. SDO, SolO) and the ground (e.g., NVST, DKIST), ever increasing complexity and realism of numerical modeling, and progress in analytical treatments. Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities and magnetic reconnection are at work, but their interplay and relative importance remain elusive. The topology of the source-region magnetic field, which rules these processes, is difficult to infer. Opposing processes in active-region evolution at the photospheric level, like flux emergence and cancellation, are both capable of driving the coronal field up to the onset of eruption, and it remains unclear which of them is most relevant. Shearing and rotational motions also increase the complexity. Of particular relevance for forecasts is the question of at which evolutionary stage of an active region major eruptions begin to occur. Making progress in addressing the above issues will help us advance phenomenological eruption forecasts to so-called physics-based ones. The session invites contributions on these and related aspects of solar eruptions, including observations and modeling. It is anticipated that the session will be structured around the following themes:
1) Mechanisms at the origin of eruptions.
2) Source-region evolution.
3) Eruptions from high altitudes and stealth events.
4) Progress toward physics-based forecasts of eruptions.
A32 Solar Cycle 25 and Comparisons to Previous Cycles
Convener: Nishu Karna (USA)
Co-convener(s): Lisa Upton (USA), Duncan Mackay (UK)
The eleven-year solar cycle is driven by the periodic evolution of the solar magnetic field, a dynamo process involving the transformation of the Sun’s poloidal magnetic field into a toroidal active region belt and back again from the toroidal bands to a new poloidal field of the opposite polarity. This cyclic variation has been observed for centuries by changes of activity markers at the solar surface, but this variability is also present in the Sun’s interior, throughout the interplanetary medium, and in the response of the Earth’s magnetosphere and atmosphere. In this session, we solicit contributions on aspects of solar, heliospheric, and geospace phenomena that are modulated by the solar cycle. This includes, but is not limited to solar flows; sunspots and active regions; filaments and prominences; coronal cavities, streamers, and holes; the solar wind; solar irradiance; and the Earth’s magnetosphere, ionosphere, and thermosphere. We look forward to getting a comprehensive overview of the ongoing solar cycle 25, and investigating the similarities and differences with previous solar cycles, in order to improve our predictions of the rest of the current cycle, and possibly, of the cycles that will follow.
A33 Electromagnetic induction: Methodology, Data, Modelling, and Inversion
Convener: Ute Weckmann (Germany)
Co-convener(s): Klaus Spitzer (Germany), Joana Ribeiro (Portugal)
This session asks for contributions in the field of electromagnetic (EM) geophysical methods that are applied on scales ranging from the near-surface to the deep mantle. This includes new instrumentation and data acquisition methods, as well as mathematical and numerical improvements to data processing, modelling, and inversion applied to ground-based and off-shore measurements, airborne and satellite missions. We are interested in studies of EM applied to global induction, imaging regional scale tectonic, magmatic, or volcanic systems, in the search for hydrocarbon, geothermal, or mineral resources, and the investigation of near surface structure relevant to environmental, urban, and hydrological systems. Results from EM methods are often part of multi-disciplinary studies integrating data from rock physics and other geophysical, geochemical, and geological methods to investigate complex subsurface structures and their temporal evolution. Neighbouring fields of research encompass the study of natural and controlled EM sources, geo-magnetically induced currents, space weather, or geomagnetic field studies based on observatory data.
A34 Electromagnetic methods for exploration: geothermal energy, groundwater, mineral resources, etc.
Convener: Shimeles Fisseha (Ethiopia)
Co-convener(s): Matthew Comeau (Netherlands)
Electromagnetic methods are commonly used to obtain different physical properties of the Earth’s subsurface and can be employed in a wide area of applications.
This session invites abstracts related to the applications of electromagnetic methods in exploration, including exploration of natural resources such as geothermal, mineral zones, and groundwater, as well as environmental and archeological applications. We hope that contributions may highlight the use of electromagnetic methods for the adequate characterization and sustainable utilization of Earth’s natural resources, a pressing societal challenge.
Contributions on various aspects of applications of electromagnetic methods are sought, including those addressing case studies and methodological developments related to laboratory and field experiments, data collection practices, data processing, numerical modeling approaches, and success stories and challenges.
We encourage contributions that highlight the integration of electromagnetic methods with other methodologies and joint interpretation.
A35 Lithospheric studies and deep mantle conductivity
Convener: Pierre Wawrzyniak (France)
Co-convener(s): Oliver Ritter (Germany)
The session welcomes contributions from electromagnetic studies, such as magnetotellurics or geomagnetic deep sounding to investigate the electrical structure of the lithosphere and asthenosphere, including features such as mantle melts and volatiles, characterization of the mantle transition zone (water content, composition…), mid-ocean ridge structures, mature oceanic lithosphere, hot spots, passive margins, island arcs, continental subduction zones, continental shields, etc. We are particularly interested in new imaging techniques that can help decipher structures in the deep Earth. We also invite contributions from other geophysical methods, especially from experimental and theoretical petrophysics, that can help constrain the interpretation of conductivity models or improve our understanding in general.