About Travel Grants

The Travel Grant Program was established to support students, early career scientists, and attendees from low and low-middle-income countries (according to the OECD definition) with an accepted abstract. Please remember the abstract number and abbreviated name of the symposium where your abstract was submitted, as it is required in the travel grant application.

The support can be requested to get:

    • a waived Registration fee (at the early registration rate) OR
    • Living/Travel Expenses (lump sum) OR
    • a waived Registration Fee + Living/Travel expenses (registration fee + lump sum)

Key Dates

Applications for the IAGA / IASPEI 2025 Travel Grants Program are open until 12 March 2025.

The IAGA / IASPEI  2025 Secretariat will notify successful applicants by 17 April 2025.

Applicants granted a waived registration fee will be provided a discount code. Applicants granted monetary support will receive it onsite. All applicants granted any form of support are required to complete their registration via online registration system by 8 May 2025.

Online Delegate Services

Abstract Management
⎋ Online Abstract Management Portal

⎋ Online Registration Portal

Delegate Portal
⎋ Account Management
⎋ Communication Log
⎋ Invoices

Please note all the above require login with a valid account.